C’est la compétition féminine qui ouvrira cette demi-finale de la CEV Continentale Cup de beach volley. A Sèvres, sur l’Ile de Monsieur, huit nations féminines tenteront de se rapprocher des Jeux Olympiques de Londres. Elles feront leur entrée mercredi en quarts de finale et n’auront qu’un seul objectif : gagner pour participer à la finale […]
Olympics Beach Volleyball – London 2012 – Maria Elisa & Talisa training to be ready
A bird’s-eye view of the venue in Horse Guards Parade with Trafalgar Square to the right and Buckingham Palace towards the top left (photo courtesy of Julie Oakman (LOCOG)) The venue for the Visa FIVB Beach Volleyball International, the test event for the London 2012 Olympic Games, is nearing completion in Horse Guards Parade in […]
Olympics London 2012 – The Golden Girls are reuniting – Les Golden Girls réunies de nouveau
Two-time Olympic gold medalist Kerri Walsh is reuniting with Misty May-Treanor to go for a third consecutive gold medal in beach volleyball, the pair announced. The women plan to begin playing again this year to qualify for the London Games in 2012, they told NBC. The 32-year-old Walsh, a star at Archbishop Mitty and Stanford, hasn’t […]